Winter Changes Into Glorious Spring

What a year we have just endured! Just one year ago many churches were forced to suspend services due to a global pandemic. Pastor’s all over America stood in an empty sanctuary before a video camera to offer to their members a virtual preaching service. Worldwide, we have witnessed changes we never thought to see in our lifetime. We have been faced with many new challenges, but God has proven Himself faithful. Lighthouse took advantage of the nation’s crisis to begin a new ministry. We partnered with Second Harvest Food Bank and began a monthly distribution of food to “food insecure families.” What a thrill to show the love of Jesus to the families of our community.

Taking a look around, we see our nation in a mess. We had an election last year, and our new administration seems intent on promoting the agenda of the ungodly and anti-biblical and expect us to join in with them in the celebration of sin and sinful lifestyles. The “thought police” are popping up everywhere, telling us that we harbor an unconscious racism that infects every segment of society. Instead of celebrating our cultural diversity, we are now being told that we must apologize for the color of our skin. Groups like BLM are receiving government funding for their agenda, which is both anti-American and anti-biblical. We are instructed to bow at the altar of political correctness, or we will be “canceled.”

Jesus is coming soon! He will deliver His church and then begin a 7 year process of pouring out His wrath on an ungodly, Christ rejecting world. You can certainly find an abundance of “false prophets” who will mock and scoff at Bible prophecy, but God has never missed a single prediction. Sunday evenings we are doing a study in the Revelation, and becoming more and more convinced that the conditions of this world are setting things up for the reception of the man of sin, the antichrist. While there is still time, share the good news of the gospel with as many as you can, and as often as you can. When that trumpet sounds and all true Christians are instantly removed from this planet, then it will be too late to rescue your loved ones from the wrath to come. We certainly don’t pray for God’s wrath on anyone, but we do pray, “Thy kingdom come…” Even so, come Lord Jesus.

As winter turns to spring, it is just another reminder of the faithfulness of God. Resurrection is just around the corner. Call upon the Lord while He is near!